von Armin Born | 10.02.2016 | Uncategorized @en
ISTQB® – International Software Testing Qualifications Board, the most popular software testing certification authority in the world, voted on several important motions on the 26th of October in the General Assembly held in Shanghai, China. “We are witnessing...
von Armin Born | 10.02.2016 | Non classifié(e)
L‘ ISTQB® renouvèle son portefeuille de produits et publie sa feuille de route. L’ISTQB® – International Software Testing Qualifications Board, l’autorité de certification des tests logiciels la plus répandue au monde, a accepté plusieurs...
von Armin Born | 08.02.2016 | Uncategorized @en
Das ISTQB® – International Software Testing Qualifications Board, die am weitesten verbreitete Software Test Zertifizierung der Welt hat am 26. Oktober während des General Assembly in Shanghai, China verschiedene Motionen angenommen . “We are witnessing several...